How to Benefit from Poor Decisions

by admin on September 28, 2009

in Board of Directors, Management

The best lessons I’ve learned in my life and in business have been caused by me making poor decisions, which resulted in a mistake. Here are some reasons why I take the time to learn from my mistakes and how I benefit from them.

1. Mistakes remind me that I am human.
Making a mistake serves as a reminder that it’s okay to try and be the best, but no matter how much I want to be, I simply am not perfect. Instead it reminds me that we all have limitations, strengths and weaknesses. That is what makes all of us unique and human.

2. Mistakes let me rely on myself.

Although some mistakes could have been avoided, because I did not listen to others advice, listen to my inner voice or did not research the subject more prior to making a decision. I have found that sometimes making the decision on my own, even when it goes poorly is well worth it to me and that I tried my best.

3. Mistakes remind me how thankful I really am.
We all tend to forget how fortunate we are in life. Mistakes force me to take a realistic look at all that I have achieved and that my triumphs and my mistakes are all a part of full and wonderful life.

4. Mistakes help me to try to be better
I become motivated to do better whenever I have made a mistake. It makes me work harder and to realize that if we persist at something and we don’t give up, we will win! This kind of challenge is not only motivating, but it helps to keep my focus and commitment to succeed.

5. Mistakes make me want to improve until I get it right.
A mistake is the Universe saying that you can do better and that there is an area in your life where you need to improve. Improvement can’t come unless you’re willing to risk making the same mistake again.

What are some of the biggest lessons you learn from the mistakes you make?

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