How To Clean & Maintain Pool Furniture

by admin on October 14, 2009

in Maintenance

After a summer of high humidity, constant rain and high pool usage, our association’s pool furniture can use some TLC and a good cleaning. Always check the manufacturer’s suggested cleaning process first. In the alternative, let’s assume that your association’s pool furniture is aluminum with straps. The preferred treatment for aluminum is a solution of half vinegar and half water. This can then be sprayed or wiped onto the furniture and wiped off again, taking the grime with it. In addition, polish the aluminum parts with a light non-abrasive car wax is a good way to make them easier to clean next time and help protect them from the harsh Florida weather as well.

Most furniture will respond well to being cleaned with a power washer and if needed, a mild soap. If you don’t have a power washer, scrub the furniture with a soft scrub brush dipped into a soap/water solution. To finish, simply hose it off with clean water and let it air dry.

For areas with mold, check with your manufacturer and if they agree, use a solution of approximately 1/3 bleach to 2/3 water. Put it in a spray bottle and spray it right on the areas of mold. Let it set for a few minutes and rinse off with the garden hose. Allow the furniture to dry in the sun, which will help to kill the mold.

Our Snowbirds will soon be here. Better get things ready around the pool or else…!

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