Year End Financial Reporting For Condominiums

December 17, 2009

Condominium Associations are required by FS Chapter 718.111 (13) to provide their membership with year end financial reports. In the last few years, sections of the statute were changed and in some cases are now more restrictive and complicated. In order to comply with the statutes and with this important Board of Directors duty, the following is a review of the financial reporting requirements for condominium associations governed by FS Chapter 718.

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Year End Financial Reporting for HOA’s

December 17, 2009

There are still Homeowners Associations that are not providing their members with the proper year end financial reporting that is required by FS Chapter 720. In order to comply with the statutes and with this important duty, the following is a review of the financial reporting requirements for associations governed by FS Chapter 720.

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Water Leaks – Part 2

December 10, 2009

In our last article about water leaks we reviewed exactly who (owner and association) is responsible for what portions of the overall structure, as defined by statute. (See December 1, 2009 APM News Express). In this article we will review variations of this, as negligence, maintenance, insurance coverage and insurance deductibles all play a part in what happens after a water leak.

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‘Tis the Season… Are You Running for the Board?

December 10, 2009

We are now in that time of year that is required by statute and by your governing documents… your association’s annual meeting. If you are considering running for your association’s board of directors (and I hope you are), there are a few questions that you should ask yourself prior to making that decision.

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“What Are We Paying You For?”

December 10, 2009

In order to reduce costs and to save time, some Community Associations try to engage their property managers and management companies in what is known as “unauthorized practice of law”. In 1996 the Florida Supreme Court provided an opinion that defines this practice.

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