A Series: Roles of Each Position on a Board of Directors – The Vice President

July 9, 2010

The following is a part in a series of descriptions of the roles and duties of each officer on a Board of Directors. Previously, we wrote about the role that a President plays on a Board of Directors and in this article we will discuss the role of a Vice President.

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Is Your Community Association Using an “Unlicensed” Bookkeeper?

June 17, 2010

As the economy in Florida experienced a downturn, collections of delinquent assessments rose and association revenues fell, we saw a trend where some community associations who wanted to save money began to employ ordinary business bookkeeping services who, by definition by the state of Florida, would be considered as an “unlicensed” bookkeeper.

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A Series: Roles of Each Position on a Board of Directors – The President

June 17, 2010

An effective Board of Directors works together as a unit in carrying out the duties, roles and responsibilities of the Association. The Association Documents and state statutes define and set forth the duties and roles of each Board member. Each and every Board member has a function and a role in order for their Association to function and operate well.

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Beware of Eliminating Repairs & Services in Your Community Association

June 17, 2010

Many community associations are experiencing tough times as assessment income drops due to the high rate of foreclosures and the non-payment of assessments by their owners. With this reality, some associations are considering cutting back on services or eliminating common element amenities that costs money to maintain.

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Florida Statutes: Summary of New Laws for Chapter 720

June 3, 2010

We’ve previously highlighted changes in SB 1196 that would impact Condominium & Cooperatives; here is additional information on the changes that will occur for Homeowners’ associations. The following is a review of the changes and additions to Chapter 720, which will become effective on July 1, 2010.

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