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Community Association Property Management, Palm Beach Co., Florida
With today’s ever increasing state and federal regulations, rising delinquencies and resultant cash flow issues, community associations are under ever increasing pressures to have proper financial accounting performed on their behalf. It is time to stop using “No Name Bookkeeping Service” and a hire a bookkeeping company that specializes in servicing community associations. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title:...
The following is a part in a series of a description of the roles and duties of each officer on a Board of Directors. Previously, we wrote about the role that a President and Vice President both play on a Board of Directors and in this article we will discuss the role of a Secretary....
Sometimes federal Fair Housing Laws will trump a community association’s Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s). CC&R’s are contained in the association’s documents and they were written by the developer to ensure that a community was to be maintained in the future with a consistent character and vision. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Top 3 Tips for Getting Others...